Hello everyone! This is Gema Amaya, ESR 15 of the MSCA InnovEOX project. In a nutshell, my PhD aims to assess the environmental performance and feasibility of the eAOP technologies developed within the consortium.
Last year, I had the opportunity and the honour to be the guest speaker at the Environmental Week at Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, Mexico. During the session, I talked to Chemical Engineering BSc. Students about what I do in my PhD, LCA, and about InnovEOX and MSCA fellowships. It was a very rewarding experience. On the one hand, to let students know about amazing PhD opportunities as this one. On the other hand, to introduce the concept of sustainability to new generations of engineers. Since I started my research career, I have been driven to work in Academia, and eventually become a professor. One of the main reasons behind that is the profound belief in that it is possible to make a change and do things right. Teaching future engineers from a sustainability point of view, and giving them tools to work towards sustainable development is my way to do my bit. It was really rewarding to speak about my work and my passion to a group of equally passionate students. It was very inspiring.
For this reason, I am really grateful to InnovEOX for encouraging us to participate in communication and dissemination activities, as well as Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro for this amazing opportunity.

Gema Amaya is an Environmental Engineer from Málaga (Spain) whose motivation for making the planet a better place to live has always led her steps. Throughout her training period and research career, she has acquired knowledge and skills in different fields of environmental engineering and management, implementing the concept of sustainable development to approach environmental problems.
She now would like to take a step further in the use of sustainability assessment in environmental problem solving, by taking an Early Stage Researcher position at UCL (University College of London), to work in the ESR15 InnovEOX project “Life-cycle assessment and cost analysis of emerging eAOP technologies” in which, under the supervision of Paola Lettieri (UCL)