Our ESR#1 Sara Feijoo Moreira attended the 6th International Conference on Water, Waste and Energy Management (WWEM-22), which took place in Rome on 20-22 July 2022. In her oral presentation, Sara introduced the topic of sulfate radical-based electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes together with her latest experimental findings. In Sara’s words, “with the critical climate situation we are living, it was great to see how researchers around the globe are working on sustainable solutions regarding these three fundamental pillars”.

Sara is an enthusiastic Chemical Engineer with a passion for sustainability, innovation and design. She comes from a small and cosy city in the north-west side of Spain: Santiago de Compostela. Currently, Sara is an Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) for the InnovEOX project at KU Leuven and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Raf Dewil. In particular, she is ESR1 focusing on developing optimized process conditions for the in-situ generation of sulphate radicals and subsequent organic degradation of emerging contaminants in water.