A three-day network wide event (NWE) from 16th to 18th of September 2020 took place virtually on zoom. The first day of the event was dedicated to the training of ESRs in the field of communication and dissemination of their research findings during the project. The training was given by Ms. Marie Prouteau from Euronovia in which she explained the rules and regulations to be observed in EU H2020 projects with a specific focus on MSCA ETN InnovEOX project. The content of training included guidelines for research publications, research data accessibility and communication of results with general public via social media.

First day training
2nd day of the event started with the progress report presented by the project coordination team followed by the individual presentations given by the recruited ESRs. The ESRs explained their individual projects and the progress in their research plan made till now, session was quite interactive because of the discussion held between the InnovEOX team members and ESRs. During the last session of the day, Work Package (WP) 1-4 technical meeting sessions took place. In the WP parallel sessions participants discussed about the overall progress of the WP, possibilities of collaborations between ESRs working in the WPs and future research plan to complete the deliverables and milestones effectively in time. The day concluded by WP leaders briefing on the WP meeting discussions in plenary session lead by InnovEOX coordinators.

InnovEOX team meeting on zoom
Day 3 of the event started with an insightful lectures on “Ozonation in drinking water and wastewater treatment” and “UV and AOPs in drinking water and wastewater treatment” given by Prof. dr. ir. Jan Peter van der Hoek from TU Delft followed by another interesting lecture on “Fundamental of biological wastewater treatment” by Prof. Dr. Ir. Raf Dewil from KU Leuven. This series of interactive lectures provided the fundamental and applied knowledge in the field of drinking water and wastewater treatment. The last session of the event was dedicated to advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) currently being employed in industries. Representatives from industrial partners Nijhuis Industries, Netherlands and Xylem, Germany briefed about their operations, processes and the R&D side of their organization.

Trainings on drinking water

Training on wastewater treatment

AOPs in industries

Ardiana Kajtazi is a PhD researcher at Ghent University who is originally from Medulin, Croatia.
At undergraduate level, she studied for a bachelor’s in Environmental and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
Before completion of her bachelor’s, she undertook a three-month voluntary programme with AIESEC in Iceland to work for the environmental non-profit organisation Worldwide Friends Veraldarvinir; as part of her gap year. Her job was to lead groups of volunteers by planning trips, organising tasks, working in greenhouses, making presentations about the environment and addressing plastic pollution issues; amongst many other things. After this voluntary work, she started to work in the pharmaceutical company JGL d.d. in Rijeka, Croatia, as an intern/student assistant responsible for work in drug finalisation, such as operating the machinery that packs pills, syrups and sprays.