Last weekend, our ESR1 Sara Feijoo Moreira was interviewed by the Spanish newspaper “Faro de Vigo”. In the article, she had the opportunity to talk about her current research on the degradation of micropollutants via electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes as part of the InnovEOX project. In her own words: “The best part of the Marie Curie actions is that they encourage and support innovative research. My PhD focuses on the elimination of pharmaceuticals from wastewater, which is a field that caught my attention immediately, not only because of its solid chemical engineering background, but because it has a direct application to our daily lives. Nowadays, the wastewater that leaves conventional treatment plants after it has been purified still has small amounts of many pharmaceuticals that we commonly use. It is certainly a problem that we have to solve and personally, I like working on issues where you can contribute, even with a grain of sand, to improve people’s lives and have an impact”.

Sara is an enthusiastic Chemical Engineer with a passion for sustainability, innovation and design. She comes from a small and cosy city in the north-west side of Spain: Santiago de Compostela. Currently, Sara is an Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) for the InnovEOX project at KU Leuven and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Raf Dewil. In particular, she is ESR1 focusing on developing optimized process conditions for the in-situ generation of sulphate radicals and subsequent organic degradation of emerging contaminants in water.